Sunday, February 9, 2014

Who Framed the GOP?

The GOP has been framed. The Democrats have convinced minority voters that Republicans do not care about them. And what has the Republican Party done to counter?... Nothing. If anything we have helped their argument by the language we use. We have largely given up and written off minority groups as being eventual Democratic voters. It's a foregone conclusion. Members of our party assume every immigrant that comes to the U.S. is a future Democrat. At a certain point it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Democrats aren't winning because they have better ideas. They are winning because they make a better promise, and genuinely advocate for the underdog. They have framed it such that they are seen as the group who cares. Well it is time we re-frame the discussion. We need better language, a better attitude and leaders that can communicate our hope for all Americans (and future Americans). We need to actively root for people and value our differences. We must be excited and cheer for people rising up to succeed. 

Finally, we need to set aside previous notions that people vote Democrat because they are lazy and want free stuff. This is nonsense. They vote Democratic because they are valued as individuals and their concerns are addressed. Regardless if this is true or not, the GOP did nothing to prove otherwise. If anyone framed the GOP, it was the GOP.

*Image from the Occupy Democrats Facebook page.

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