Saturday, September 7, 2013

Syria: Sometimes Doing the Right Thing Sucks

The idea of getting involved in Syria is terrible. There is nearly no upside. Understandably the majority of Americans oppose getting involved. Understandably...

But sometimes doing the right thing sucks.

Using poison gas against civilians is a war crime. It must not be tolerated for an instant. If the only good people left remain silent, we are lost.

We must take a hard look at what type of country we intend to be. Either we continue to be the shining hope of good or we become like the rest of the world: cowed.

The severity of reaction to Syrian chemical weapons attacks can be debated, but should involve ACTION. Ignoring atrocities, because who was the target, is not acceptable.

WWII should serve as the last time in history where civil societies stood by while villainous regimes gas their own citizens.

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