Monday, September 2, 2013

Anyone can be a Republican (it’s not exclusive)

Most people make the mistake of lumping conservatives and liberals into opposite groups: Republican or Democrat. But conservatives, liberals, independents and people of every color, gender, faith, and sexual orientation are equal and welcome within the Republican Party.

Democrats do not welcome anyone who has a differing opinion, ideology, or lifestyle to their own. They lack respect for our differences and see fit to force their vision on people who disagree. It becomes an exercise of control.

Instead of looking at the parties as being “liberal versus conservative,” we should be looking at whether they support “freedom versus control.” The Republican Party is where freedom CAN exist and the Democratic Party is where CONTROL prevails. Though some Republicans fail to advocate freedom for all, it does not change the fact that such freedoms are the lifeblood of the party and this nation. This is simply not the case within the Democratic Party.

It is critical that voters understand what type of party represents them. Are they voting for someone who represents their individual interests or everyone’s interests?

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