Saturday, September 24, 2011

I believe in you.

Whatever happened to the existence faith in America? Have we decided to give up on believing? I’m not talking about spirituality, God or any higher power.  I’m talking about our belief in us. We forget how resilient Americans can be. I was raised with the belief that Americans can accomplish anything. We put a man on the moon for goodness sakes. But our “can-do” attitude is slowly being eroded by the “we-can’t” mantra of the entitlement establishment. It has become an epidemic. Furthermore this entitlement problem is exasperated by enablers whether it’s the liberal guilt causing forced charity to the work-capable homeless or the politicians deciding for others that they need to pay extra for the rest of us. The more they say we cannot do something the more we start believing it.
It is further evident now that President Obama has released his “Jobs Creation” plan to turn our economy around by permanently raising taxes on the highest earners to pay for “shovel ready” jobs.  According to the Huffington Post, “Obama has said he would pay for his $447 billion package with permanent income tax increases of about $150 billion a year, mostly on wealthy individuals and corporations, in addition to spending cuts.”
It’s not clear if this administration realizes the folly of permanently increasing taxes to pay for temporary jobs. This will only create a false dip in the unemployment statistics while fostering fear and uncertainty in the market. The term “class warfare” has been thrown out there in reference to the Robin Hood tactics taken by this administration.  I think there is merit to this assertion. If only politicians would realize the only jobs they have the experience and success creating are government jobs.  Growing government means more jobs, right? Wrong.

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Let’s understand this simple truth. The experts in creating sustainable lasting jobs are private businesses. It is not the government’s role to fill.  The government should provide a suitable environment for businesses to do what they do best and get out of their way. We just need to allow businesses to have fiscal certainty on how to plan their operations. When businesses are certain of the rules they can operate from they will be more willing to risk their capital. Sometimes solutions to our most complex problems are easier than we think. This one is simple:

·      Lower taxes. A flat tax would be fine.
·      Ease up on unnecessary regulations.
·      Eliminate waste.
·      Stop spending on non-essential programs and balance the budget!
·      Create certainty.

This is easy. It makes practical sense. Why doesn’t President Obama understand this? Maybe they (Liberals) are right. Maybe regular folks can’t get ahead in this country without coddling from the government. But President Obama and other liberals are wrong. They lack faith in us.
Liberals use social engineering to mediate unfairness that is, by their assertion, intrinsic in our society. It’s like taming the seas. By forcing equilibrium they are creating more of a stir. There will be calm and rough waters but let the sea be the sea and everything will balance out.
And there it is. FAITH. By believing in us, our government will allow us to believe in ourselves.  This will be the first step to economic recovery. That is something I can believe in.

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